Boun flavoured cryptography

Welcome, dear visitor.

This is a page that I created out of boredomness. The idea is actually simple. Pages below here will take you to an exercise in the textbook An Introduction to Mathematical Cryptography. We attempt to solve these questions, and also develop a program if it is required. The code runs on the server, so you may try it out here. The source code is also shared for the interested reader.

Many of the assigned questions for Math462 skip those parts where programming is involved, which is not surprising considering this is a mathematics course. Well... that is quite boring is it not? Where is the fun if we are not going to encrypt stuff?

I mean, you could do a simple Caesar cipher by writing it down, but even that will take some considerable time for longer text. It feels kind of pointless when you are not actually sending that message. Also, what is the point of taking a cryptography course if you are not going brag about how much of an elite hacker you are to your friends.

Jokes aside, it's a cozy place here. Take a look around, and have fun. If you want to feel cool on the internet you could send me an encrypted email. Here is my email ,and my public key. If you'd like to add content to this website, ask questions, tell me that my code is garbage or just to say hi!, you could reach me there. I appreciate it =)

Here is where the fun begins

Side notes

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